CBD Oil Reviews
CBD Oil Reviews
All information about Is CBD legal
Is CBD Legal?
Because of its natural ability to treat several chronic conditions, there is great demand for it these days. Since the popularity of hemp-extract compound has started to shift, the acceptance in several states across America including Kentucky, Colorado, and California has also increased.
Though this is certainly moving the right path, CBD’s legality as a whole is not very clear because of several laws in several states, and even different laws at the federal and state level. Due to this, many are discouraged from using it, and instead of obtaining the benefits of CBD, they have been asking Is CBD legal?
the answer to this question is not simple and straightforward
Although it is true that CBD is legal in all 50 states of The United States, there are some situations where it is not legal. The difference between illegal and legal depends on few factors of that particular state. One very important factor which is very crucial across all states is that whether it is extracted from marijuana or hemp.
There are eight states where the plant of Cannabis including hemp and marijuana are completely legal for recreational and medicinal use as of 2018 are California, Maine, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, Massachusetts, Colorado, and Alaska. If you are in one of these states, you can use CBD in any form legally without any prescription.
The seventeen states where CBD is legal for medicinal use are Wyoming, South Carolina, Kentucky, Missouri, Iowa, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Indiana, Virginia, Wisconsin, Utah, Tennessee, North Carolina, Texas, and Oklahoma. The remaining 29 states that completely legalize the medicinal use of all products of CBD extracted either from marijuana or hemp are West Virginia, Ohio, Connecticut, New York, New Mexico, Arkansas, Arizona, Alaska, Colorado, California, Florida, Hawaii, Maine, Delaware, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Vermont, Pennsylvania, Oregon, Rhode Island, North Dakota, Illinois, Maryland, Montana and Nevada.